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Employment Agreements

An employment agreement is a formal document signed by both an employee and her or his employer, often at the beginning of the employee’s tenure with the company. Jobs that come through employment agencies and independent contracting jobs typically require employment agreements due to the specialized nature of the work performed in these positions.

Common Components Of Employment Agreements

Employment agreements generally cover job duties and the duration of the employee’s position with the company. Employment agreements may also state any and all grounds for termination, whether or not the position is “at-will” and what, if any, benefits are offered. Dispute resolution methods, noncompete clauses, trade secrets and matters of intellectual property are also commonly found in employment agreements.

But What If My Employer Violated Our Agreement?

If your employer has violated an employment agreement or if you feel that you signed a contract that has since proven discriminatory, contact a knowledgeable employment lawyer as soon as possible. We can help you decide whether or not to pursue legal action against your employer.